Incredible Morning Light

Yesterday’s sunrise was unreal. Honestly I thought it was something out of a dream.

The pictures won’t do it any justice, but here you go…

If you didn’t know any better you would have thought that we were in Africa. It was madness and to make matters more unbelievable there was a hawk or some sort of buzzard that flew down in front of me whilst I was watching the sunrise. I didn’t get a picture of it because it was just wild…

I hope that you enjoy these pictures.

A Misty Morning...

A Misty Morning...

Join me on a casual morning stroll through the fields, landing at the base of a tree that witnessed a pivotal moment in my life – the very spot where I proposed to my wife, Kate. In this blog post, I share the snapshots of Kate's favourite tree.

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Today's Sunrise

I think that I need to get a bit more creative… I seem to find myself drawn to sunrise and sunset pictures. I will share some more street based photography soon!

Today's Tree Shot

Yep, winter is coming… With that the. chance of snapping some great shots changes.

Landscapes become colourful and then grey and the light becomes harder to work with in the UK. When opportunity knocks, we need to head out with our cameras and get on it!

Today's Sunrise

Today’s post is just sharing a view from my coaching studio here in Solihull.

Every time I get the chance to watch a sunrise here I am reminded how beautiful they can be. That being said, some mornings they can look like complete rubbish and the clouds cover the sky.

I hope you enjoy this one!